
Change Starts With You 

Don’t try to change others or your circumstances around before you first learn to change yourself. Judge not or you will be judged. Before we try to change what is around us, let us look within us, with an honest heart and see what needs to be changed in our own lives.




Change Requires Humility

Humility is being honest to yourself and others with who you really are. No need to justify your shortcomings or wrong actions, simply own up to your mistakes and recognize that you need help in changing them.


謙卑是誠實面對自己及週遭人們。不需要為自己的缺點及錯誤行為作解釋,而是單單地承認錯誤, 瞭解改正是需要協助的。


Change Moves Us to Action

If we are really going to change, we must make a commitment to change followed with action. Change is not just talk, but it is walk. If you want to quit smoking cigarettes, or change a bad habit, stop eating so much, spending on what you don’t need, or change your own understanding of yourself, you need to take the necessary actions to see the change become a reality. In the same way, if we want real change we must not just talk about it, but be about it. Change doesn’t start tomorrow, it starts with doing what you know is right today.




Change Is Not Easy, So Give Yourself Grace

We also need to understand that change is a process. It doesn’t happen over night, it happens with time. Just as it takes years for a child to grow to an adolescent and from an adolescent to a young adult and so forth, so it takes time for anyone and everyone to change for the better. Give yourself grace when you make mistakes, fall into temptation, or keep doing things you don’t want to do. God forgives you, so you must learn to forgive yourself. With grace, nothing is impossible to overcome. Pick yourself back up, let go of the past, don’t be so hard on yourself and keep moving forward. With a little grace, we can all change for the better. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”



歌羅西後書 12章9節 「祂跟我說:『我的恩典夠你用,在你軟弱之處彰顯我的大能。』」



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