  1. Take it easy. You don't have to learn the newspaper by heart nor know about every tiny detail of what is happening around the globe. Yes, you need to be informed, yes, your general knowledge has to improve. But by all means, don't get sleep deprived over this. Listening to the BBC while cooking and watching LCI why you're ironing your shirts should be a lifestyle, but not perceived as being homework (i.e. something you do because you have to, rather than because you want to).

  2. Do it step by step. Focus on small goals. If you notice parasite words you say or sounds you do, try interpreting any given speech focusing on that problem. Do it for a week or son until that given point is corrected.

  3. Take breaks, have naps. There's no point of doing twelve consecs a day if you're brain dead. Do less, but do 'em right.

  4. Believe in yourself. You will say stupid things if you're brain is busy thinking that you're doing a bad job. On the other hand, if you're just focusing on the speech, miracles happen. Some speeches just hurt and can't be done perfectly. Just hang in there, do your best, don't obsess about it.

  5. Don't be too hard on yourself. Would a layperson have understood what you were saying? If yes, your job is done. Everything else you need to improve is secondary and can be improved. You'll get more and more information across, will be able to have more décalage. It's like going to the gym. You can't lift your own weight after only three workouts and you can't always measure your progression.

  6. Be aware that having the feeling that you're not improving is normal. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. Progression isn't linear. But you still need to practice on a regular basis (but remember, regular doesn't mean non-stop).

  7. Be aware that your trainers' comments only apply to a given performance or period, yet trust their judgement. If they say you did a good job, you probably did. Listen to your recording to see what details you still could improve, as you know what your recurring mistakes are.

  8. Wear sunscreen.


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